5 Reasons Why Group Benefits Can Benefit Your Business!

So Group Benefits is one of those things that all New Employees or Current Employees are all looking for. Sometimes that what makes or breaks a job, and if they take or stay with that employer.

I am going to go over 5 Reasons why Group Benefits can benefit your business!

Sooo Let’s get to it!

#1. It Helps Retains and Attracts Employees:

Everybody wants to work for a company that provides benefits nowadays. To not provide benefits to your employees, it’s really hard to really hard to get good quality full-time employees on board, and it’s very expensive to recruit and hire new employees. So if you already have good employees, providing benefits may be a good reason for your employees to stay at your company. If you are looking to recruit or hire new employees, It is a great way to attract new hires into your company if you provide quality benefits.

#2. Group Benefits Have a Larger Network Than Individual Plans:

Group Health Insurance Plans have a larger network vs an individual plan that is a little more limiting when it comes to finding doctors, hospitals and/ or specialists in your area. So if a doctor is on a group health plan, they may not be on an individual plan. So being on a group plan, you have more access to a broader network vs an individual plan.

#3. Healthier Work Environment. 

People are less likely to get sick if they have access to health insurance. They can go to the doctor on the regular, and get preventive care to make sure you are healthy. Plus it will help prevent people coming into the office sick because they don’t have health insurance so they can be spreading germs to the office, which leads to more people off on sick leave.

#4. It’s a Tax Write Off! 

Group Health employers can choose what they want to contribute to their health insurance. Employers can choose to pay 100% of the employee’s health insurance, 50% or 25%. It doesn’t matter what they decide to contribute but what the employer does decide to contribute is a tax write off for them. As for the Employees they are able to pay their portion of their health insurance pretax dollars. Employers are able to pull the money from the employees pretax to help pay their portion. So it is a really good way to help employers with the tax write-off and employees with helping pay their portion of their health insurance pretax dollars, rather than paying post-tax dollars for an individual plan.

#5. It’s Easier Than You Think!! 

As an Employer, it may sound daunting to answer all these questions and/or concerns your employees may have about their health insurance plans. Like what doctors they need or what does this plan cover, and what does this mean or that means. But having an agent like us here at Jackson & Jackson, we enroll every one of your employees to whichever plan suits them best, We make sure their doctors are covered on that specific plan. We help answer any questions the employee or the employer may have about any plan or billing questions and everything in between. We handle it all for you, so as the employer you aren’t trying to figure out and answer all these questions.

If you have any other questions or curious on what it may take to get a Group Benefits Plan started, contact me today, and I would be happy to provide you all the answers, and even provide you pricing. Please contact me today for more information!



Written By:

Taylor J. Garcia
Vice President
Email me at Taylor@jjinsurance.com
Call me at (626) 914-9944.
Video Also By:
Taylor J. Garcia
Vice President





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